Toys Saying Things To Other Toys

da | 27/06/2013 | Creatività

Lets put a stop to serious and silent toys and welcome playful fun ones. That’s what entered the mind of English designer Aled Lewis, who with his shots he freed the helpless toys long forgotten in some attic and transformed them into cabaret actors.  “My Toy Stories project began in a toy store when I saw a figure of a unicorn rearing up as though he was showing off his magnificent horn. I arranged some of the other horse figures around him as if they were his dispassionate audience and an idea was hatched.” Enjoy!

Mai più giocattoli seriosi e silenziosi ma scherzosi dalla battuta facile. Ecco quello che ha partorito la mente del designer inglese Aled Lewis. Attraverso i suoi scatti ha liberato giocattoli inermi, dimenticati in una soffitta, trasformandoli in attori di cabaret. “Mi diverto a fotografare e manipolare questi giocattoli facendogli dire cose divertenti e ridicole e devo ammettere di aver avuto un successo impensabile!” Buona visione!

Aled Lewis portfolio

Francesca travels the world capturing life at the moment, preserving that time forever. She moved to Bristol in 2010, where she studied and learnt the basics but it wasn't till a year later where her main education took place. It was in the street of Bristol and it's vibrant art scene. She quickly became part of this country which led her to learn more about photography and much more.

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