Toast Art For Breakfast

da | 7/06/2013 | Creatività, Food

Toast as a canvas to draw breakfast? Heartwarming idea by Norwegian artist Ida Skivenes, who creatively attests that the kitchen is the very exposition of art. She reimagines Van Gogh’s “The Sunflowers” using a brush stroke of peanut butter, a dab of jam and a helping of raisins. What do you prefer for breakfast? Picasso or Munch?

Un toast come tela per disegnare la colazione? Idea geniale della fotografa norvegese Ida Skivenes che con la sua creatività ha allestito nella sua cucina un’esposizione di opere d’arte. Provando ad immaginare una pennellata di burro d’arachidi, un mix di marmellate e occhi di uvetta, l’artista ha gustato  i “Girasoli” di Van Gogh! E voi cosa preferite a colazione? Picasso o Munch?

Francesca travels the world capturing life at the moment, preserving that time forever. She moved to Bristol in 2010, where she studied and learnt the basics but it wasn't till a year later where her main education took place. It was in the street of Bristol and it's vibrant art scene. She quickly became part of this country which led her to learn more about photography and much more.

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