Illustratore americano di Pittsburg, Taylor Callery ha lavorato per i più importanti quotidiani degli States tra cui: The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal. Il suo stile è al tempo stesso pop e visionario, fumettistico e sulla falsa riga degli stili propagandistici di inizio Novecento. I suoi lavori spaziano dal digitale, all’acrilico, al collage. E il suo motto è: “Stay humble, work harder than you ever have, and stay true to yourself “.
Le illustrazioni di Taylor Callery
acrilico, book, canvas, collage, cover, digitale, drawing, editorial, handmade, illustration, illustrator, illustratore, illustrazione, magazine, new york, painting, paintings, photoshop, picame mag, Pittsburg, Portrait, Taylor Callery, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the washington post, usa
Her life is everyday a new wish and two big permanent features: art and dark chocolate. After a period away in Spain and England, she actually lives in Rome where she studies contemporary art history. Her unseful favourite quote is: «What the hell are we doing here?» (From the film Carnage)
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