Il nome è inpronunciabile e le informazioni biografiche decisamente scarne. Al contrario il talento di Visothkakvei è quanto di più evidente possa esserci. L'attenzione viene catturata al primo sguardo, per poi perdersi inevitabilmente tra gli infiniti e minuscoli...
Anamorphosis by Fanette G.
Fanette G. is a French artist whose work is inspired by Georges Rousse anamorphosis. She paints distorted images in abandoned spaces and later photographs them from a specific point of view to create an optical illusion, so that the image appears reconstituted. She...
Cynthia Greig is an artist based in Detroit. Her work explores the concept of photographic truth and its correspondence to perceived reality. In her series Representations, she whitewashes everyday objects with ordinary house paint and then draws directly onto their...