high heels

12 Shoes For 12 Lovers

12 Shoes For 12 Lovers

Sebastian Errazuriz has designed a series of shoes carefully decorated, each regarding one of his past love stories. The project, called “12 Shoes For 12 Lovers”, features shoes hardly wearable, designed as a memory of the peculiarities of his ex lovers. --- L’artista...

Useless Luxury Objects

Useless Luxury Objects

“True luxury has no function. It is not something to be used or understood. It is a feeling: beyond sense, beyond logic, beyond utility. It is an ethic of perfect dysfunctionality.” Seguendo questo principio l'artista Jeremy Hutchison ha realizzato una serie di...


La collezione Prada SS 2012 è a dir poco... particolare. Ispirata alle forme delle auto americane di un tempo, la collezione comprende 25 modelli di scarpa col tacco dallo stile spiccatamente streamline. Li trovate all'interno del post....