Notorious Baldies

Notorious Baldies

Sometimes a small detail is enough to recognize someone. Here we have a series of posters of the designer Fernando Perottoni illustrating famous baldies from the pop culture. From Mr. White to Homer Simpson, passing through Gollum and It. Can you recognize the others?...


Lascerei la parola alle immagini… una piccola selezione delle foto di Lorenzo Vitturi, un fotografo italiano che vive e lavora tra Londra, Milano e Venezia e i cui lavori sono stati esposti in alcuni dei più importati musei internazionali. Let’s talking...
Ink Tea And Alcohol

Ink Tea And Alcohol

Art has a lot of aspects and the English artist Carne Griffiths has showed how it is. He sketch unknown faces, not only using ink but also a mix of drinks, from coffee to vodka. Small waves and fine lines chase each other and dive into a drop of brandy!...
Message In A Bottle USB

Message In A Bottle USB

This small object has a simple and strong concept: it’s the fusion of two differents ways of communicating. The romantic flavor of the ‘message in a bottle’ combines with the most modern USB technology. The drive has a capacity of 4 GB and is set in the cork. The...


Landland “is a very small graphic design & illustration studio” con sede a Minneapolis, formato da Dan Black & Jessica Seamans. Non solo designer… i due giovani amano cimentarsi con i vari metodi di stampa, sperimentando con colori, telai,...