Cynthia Greig is an artist based in Detroit. Her work explores the concept of photographic truth and its correspondence to perceived reality. In her series Representations, she whitewashes everyday objects with ordinary house paint and then draws directly onto their surfaces and traces the edges and details with charcoal, so that the three-dimensional still lifes take on the appearance of simple charcoal drawings. She has exhibited widely around the world and her work is held in many public collections.

I'm an art director and illustrator based in Granada, Spain. I'm also web developer and blogger. After studying Chemistry at the University I realized that the only thing I liked in the laboratory were colored solutions placed on the selves. So I decided to start studying Art, then Graphic Design and finally Advertising and PR. I'm addicted to any kind of art and creativity. I love photography, music, reading, writing, travelling… and have a passion for languages.
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