Cosa accade se unisci Nissan al celebre locale londinese Ministry of Sound ? Nasce una nuova edizione speciale di Juke limitata a 3.000 esemplari. Da questa partnership ha preso vita anche il concorso Nissan Juke Remix to Thrill, il dj talent online!Collegandovi alla piattaforma dedicata JukeTown, infatti, è possibile creare il proprio sound, che se scelto dal pubblico e da una giuria presieduta dai membri del famigerato club londinese, vi permetterà di esibirvi insieme a dj professionisti al party Nissan al Motorshow di Bologna e di vincere 20 cuffie special edition messe in palio. Avanti dunque, aprite le danze e fate venir fuori il dj che è in voi. Per partecipare al concorso occorre seguire semplici passi: visitate il sito ufficiale, cercate il grattacielo col tetto viola, dopo aver fatto Play create il vostro mix e poi entrate nello Strumento Mixer. Non dimenticate di condividere il vostro sound sui profili social.
Remix to Thrill

Fabio is an old-fashioned dreamer. He was one of those kids who always came home late at dinner after a city bike tour with friends, before biking became a status symbol. Clarks on his feet, sweater and shirt are his trademark and not a political label. At 16 years-old he was given a plane ticket to Texas, saying “go and learn as much as you can”. Since then, curiosity has always been the main feature that brings through everything. He does not follow trends even if he works for a prestigious School of Fashion in Milan. Today he is a marketing and communication expert, despite he daily asks himself on the real meaning of these two words. Waiting to be able to challenge with Peter Pan on finding elixir of life, Fabio spends his days developing projects with passion, optimism and energy. He pays each month taxes but is convinced that his real pension will be the online wine shop that updates sporadically due to which he now distinguishes table wine from a bottle of fine Barolo. He prefers Barbera to Chianti and Nero d’Avola.
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