Notorious Baldies

Sometimes a small detail is enough to recognize someone. Here we have a series of posters of the designer Fernando Perottoni illustrating famous baldies from the pop culture. From Mr. White to Homer Simpson, passing through Gollum and It. Can you recognize the others?

A volte basta un piccolo dettaglio per riconoscere qualcuno. In questa serie di poster, il designer e illustratore Fernando Perottoni, ci presenta un gruppo di pelati famosi appartenenti alla cultura pop. Da Mr. White a Homer Simpson, passando per Gollum e It. Riuscite a riconoscere gli altri?


Via Hubblog

Fernando Perottoni

Matteo Corrao is a management master student, DJ and electronic music producer. He loves travelling to discover different cultures and weird food. Other interests are graphic design and movies. Disruptive thinking is the core of everything he does, trying to give his personal mark in the different fields in which he works. After his last year of university in Mannheim (GER), he's going to move to Berlin, to begin his "adult" life.

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