Naoya Hatakeyama

da | 5/08/2009 | Fotografia

Una parte delle opere di Naoya Hatakeyama, classe 1958, hanno ad oggetto il momento della detonazione di cariche esplosive nelle cave di calcare, scelte come emblema dell’intenso sfruttamento della natura da parte dell’uomo. Le sue fotografie sono oggi in collezioni importanti quali il Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra, la Maison Européenne de la Photographie di Parigi, il National Museum of Modern Art di Tokyo. I più fortunati le hanno potute ammirare in questa mostra da poco conclusa.

A part of the works by Naoya Hatakeyama, year of birth 1958, have the detonation of charge inside limestone mine as main subject as symbol of the human exploitation on nature. His photographs are nowadays part of the most important museum collections as the Victoria & Albert Museum of London, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo. The luckiest one had the chance to see some of them in this exhibition just ended.
A part of the works by Naoya Hatakeyama, year of birth 1958, have the detonation of charge inside limestone mine as main subject as symbol of the human exploitation on nature. His photographs are nowadays part of the most important museum collections as the Victoria & Albert Museum of London, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo. The luckiest one had the chance to see some of them in this exhibition just ended.


Roberta Zeta
Illustratrice italiana, dopo varie esperienze in giro per il mondo si è stabilita a Los Angeles. Accidentalmente laureata in legge, disegna da sempre, dedicandosi a progetti editoriali e fashion. Scrive per Picame dal 2009.

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