Monster 67

Kiyoshimachine è un fotografo giapponese che, unendo la sua passione per la fotografia ed il suo amore per la classica Pentax 67, ha creato il progetto Monster 67: una serie di ritratti in cui i soggetti posano indossando una Pentax 67 a mo’ di casco. Stravagante, spassoso, unico.


I'm an art director and illustrator based in Granada, Spain. I'm also web developer and blogger. After studying Chemistry at the University I realized that the only thing I liked in the laboratory were colored solutions placed on the selves. So I decided to start studying Art, then Graphic Design and finally Advertising and PR. I'm addicted to any kind of art and creativity. I love photography, music, reading, writing, travelling… and have a passion for languages.

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