Jeff Rogers

Jeff Rogers is a multidisciplinary designer, illustrator, musician and rock climber from Dallas Texas, currently living in New York and specialized in custom lettering of all shapes and sizes. Whether hand-drawn, painted, digitally crafted, or sculpted, Jeff’s lettering style and technique have a wide variety of influences such as his Texas heritage, vintage type specimens, painted signage, music, and the great Fauvist painters. Stocking his Brooklyn studio with paint brushes, pens, markers, and a couple of computers, he creates unique and joyful work for a wide range of smart clients which include Dreamworks, Fast Company, Ford, Google, McDonald’s, The New York Times, Nickelodeon or Nike amongst others.

Jeff Rogers portfolio


I'm an art director and illustrator based in Granada, Spain. I'm also web developer and blogger. After studying Chemistry at the University I realized that the only thing I liked in the laboratory were colored solutions placed on the selves. So I decided to start studying Art, then Graphic Design and finally Advertising and PR. I'm addicted to any kind of art and creativity. I love photography, music, reading, writing, travelling… and have a passion for languages.

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