Historic Events On Instagram

da | 21/11/2013 | Creatività

What if Einstein had Instagram when he discovered the relativity, or if Armstrong posted a wonderful #nofilter of himself on the moon? This is the concept of Histagrams, a Tumblr that features photos posted by some of history’s top players. The idea came to Gusto NYC and Gavin Alaoen while wondering what Instagram might have looked like had it existed years ago. The purpose of the site is putting a lighthearted/comedic spin on history, while also being able to comment on past/current pop-cultural behaviors”.

E se Einstein avesse avuto Instagram quando scoprì la relatività, o Armstrong avesse postato una splendida #nofilter di sé stesso sulla luna? Questo è il concept di Histagrams, un Tumblr che raccoglie le foto di alcuni pezzi grossi della storia. L’idea è il frutto delle menti di Gusto NYC and Gavin Alaoen, i quali si sono si sono domandati come sarebbe stato Instagram se fosse esistito anni fa. “L’intento del sito è di guardare con leggerezza e comicità alcuni eventi storici essendo in grado al contempo di commentare alcuni comportamenti della pop-culture attuale e passata”.


Via BoredPanda

Matteo Corrao is a management master student, DJ and electronic music producer. He loves travelling to discover different cultures and weird food. Other interests are graphic design and movies. Disruptive thinking is the core of everything he does, trying to give his personal mark in the different fields in which he works. After his last year of university in Mannheim (GER), he's going to move to Berlin, to begin his "adult" life.

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