Family Portraits

How many of us have a memories box? When we open it, we have taken in by the vintage phone and fascinated by the old school reading glasses. The Italian photographer and art director Camilla Catrambone aka LaCatra, worked on a photography project called Family Portraits, a “puzzle” in which she arranged the objects belonged to her family. How will our memories be represented?

Quanti di noi possiedono una scatola dei ricordi? Aprendola, siamo affascinati dal telefono a disco e dai vecchi occhiali da lettura del nonno! La fotografa e art director Camilla Catrambone aka LaCatra ha creato Family Portraits, un “puzzle” fotografico composto da quegli oggetti cari che hanno fatto parte della quotidianità della sua famiglia.

LaCatra’s portfolio

Francesca travels the world capturing life at the moment, preserving that time forever. She moved to Bristol in 2010, where she studied and learnt the basics but it wasn't till a year later where her main education took place. It was in the street of Bristol and it's vibrant art scene. She quickly became part of this country which led her to learn more about photography and much more.

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