
Broken Things

Broken Things

Broken Things is a project by Chilean artist Livia Marin. Bowls, jars, plates and cups, sculpted with cracks and splits on them; everyday objects in which the breaks represent the sense of fatality and loss permeating our lives. In opposition, the idea of turning them...

IKEA – Skit Happens

IKEA – Skit Happens

Skit Happens is the new advertising campaign for Ikea, created by the German agency  DDB Tribal to promote the assistance service. The agency counts on the trompe l'oeil, an optical effect to amuse and to amaze  the viewer: a series of furnishing elements having some...

The Authentic Weather App

The Authentic Weather App

There are millions of weather apps to choose from but Authentic Weather by the german designer Tobias Van Schneider is brilliant! It tells us how the weather is in so many words. Let's say goodbye to the yellow sun and to the little grey cloud and let's introduce...

Birds Made of Flowers

Birds Made of Flowers

Birds made of flowers is the latest work of Hong Yi, an artist who likes painting with nearly everything except with a paintbrush. She loves experimenting with new materials every month so, after realizing that flower petals look similar to feathers, especially when...

Kirsten Chursinoff

Kirsten Chursinoff

Alcune delle meraviglie ricamate da Kirsten Chursinoff, troppe e troppo diverse tra loro per mostrarvele tutte in un unico post. Canadese, textile-artist "since the age of five", Kirsten fa parte di una famiglia impegnata a vario titolo nelle arti visive. Visitate il...

A Tasty Papercraft BBQ

A Tasty Papercraft BBQ

With the coming of summer it can't be missed the BBQ with our friends. The two French designers Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann surprise us with prawns, chicken drum sticks, spare ribs, meats, bacon and all the other necessary foods used in a tasty BBQ formed...

Suspended Labirinth

Suspended Labirinth

L'installazione degli artisti visivi Etta Lilienthal and Ben Zamora, al Frye Art Museum in Seattle, rappresenta un labirinto sospeso costruito da 200 lampade fluorescenti in varie configurazioni. La costruzione sospesa consente al visitatore di muoversi nello spazio,...

Upcycle Fetish

Upcycle Fetish

I feticisti della bici apprezzeranno le originali creazioni di Andreas Scheiger, artista austriaco già conosciuto per i suoi font "organici". Spinto dal bisogno di appendere la propria bicicletta ed altri oggetti di uso quotidiano, Andreas ha assemblato manubri e...

Internet’s House

Internet’s House

Google ha pubblicato le fotografie dei suoi centri dati high-tech, che rivelano il livello di estrema complessità organizzativa, di energia e di design che va in alimentazione ad alcuni dei più grandi  e potenti server collegati ad Internet. È la prima volta che la...

Playful Dreams

Playful Dreams

LEGO e cibo, due delle ossessioni estetiche che dominano le attuali tendenze grafiche, riuniti assieme per parlare di gioielli dalle pagine di Vogue Gioiello. L'editoriale è opera del fotografo Fabrice Fouillet e della stylist Enrica Ponzellini, e il risultato è...

Family Portraits

Family Portraits

How many of us have a memories box? When we open it, we have taken in by the vintage phone and fascinated by the old school reading glasses. The Italian photographer and art director Camilla Catrambone aka LaCatra, worked on a photography project called Family...