Per la campagna F/W 2013 Kenzo ha ingaggiato Toiletpaper, ovvero nientemeno che Maurizio Cattelan, Micol Talso e Pierpaolo Ferrari, che hanno ideato immagini surreali ed oniriche, ricche di divertenti illusioni ottiche, perfette per lo stile eccentrico della maison...
The Foam Cup King
Today I'm telling you a story which sounds like a fairytale, and which, just like a fairytale worthy of its name, begins in a far land, with a king: once upon a time - but not too long ago - in Malaysia, lived a boy called Boey. His father used to raise songbirds, so...
Girls As Internet Browsers
What if girls were internet browsers? The Latvian photographer Viktorija Pashuta has brought to reality her vision through a creative interpretation of the logos, imagining each browser with a specific style. In order to describe each concept, Pashuta quotes a friend...
How to Learn Chinese Easily
L'alfabeto cinese è il più antico e complesso del mondo. È formato da oltre 20.000 ideogrammi, ognuno con un significato diverso, ma forse non tutti sanno che è sufficiente conoscerne 200 tra i più comuni per leggere e capire circa il 40% dei testi cinesi, dai libri...
The Innovation of Loneliness
Un'infografica animata indaga le relazioni tra solitudine e social network. Basata su dati scientifici e ricerche sociologiche, splendidamente sintetizzati da Shimi Cohen, che l'ha scritta, disegnata ed animata, The innovation of loneliness è una riflessione sul mondo...
Little Lemons Faces
Sour times! Photographers David Wile and April Maciborka have captured, in the series called "Pucker", the reactions of babies tasting a slice of lemon for the very first time. Curious, sick and amazed expressions but at the same time their faces are brushed by...
Atrium Studio ha riutilizzato un edificio dismesso in una zona residenziale dandogli una nuova funzione e un nuovo aspetto. I cinque piani esistenti sono stati trasformati in una galleria d'arte e il nuovo spigoloso involucro esterno comprende una parete da...
Basilicas is a print series that celebrates the form and function of classic cameras. Nine illustrations by Adrian Johnson depicting different models from emblematic brands such as Leica, Hasselblad, Rolleiflex, Mamiya, Olympus, Linhof and Polaroid. The name Basilicas...
SunnySide Egg Shaper
Sunnyside is not the title of a song but our funny and creative breakfast! The designer Avihai Shurin created, for Monkey Business, a unique and original way to bring the sun in our plates! "I’d like my works to make you think, feel, laugh and love" . Let's play with...
The Planet Cake
Rhiannon is an Australian zoology-graduate with a passion (and a major talent!) for art and pastry-making, two interests she combines on her blog Cakecrumbs. Considering food as a "the common language that binds us all, a medium like any other" through which to...
Imagination and Illustration
What a hoot! The daily objects not only get surreal illustrations but also hot characters thanks to the American artist Alex Solis. "Most of my artwork is from imagination and self expression, even though most personal work is done with traditional mediums". Who would...