CAFAM Granny Squared

da | 8/07/2013 | Arte

The Craft and Folk Art Museum of Los Angeles has recently been covered by a colorful installation, courtesy of a group of knitters called Yarn Bombing Los Angeles. The guerrilla art collective covered the CAFAM facade in 12,000 crocheted granny squares from 500 participants of 25 countries around the world. The result of this urban intervention aims to refute the preconceived ideas of what art really is.

The Craft and Folk Art Museum di Los Angeles è stato recentemente coperto da una colorata installazione cortesia di un gruppo di knitters chiamato Yarn Bombing Los Angeles. Il collettivo di guerrilla art ha coperto la facciata del CAFAM con 12.000 quadrati fatti ad uncinetto da 500 partecipanti di 25 paesi di tutto il mondo. Il risultato di questo intervento urbano ha lo scopo di confutare le idee preconcette che riguardano l’arte.

Cafam Granny Squared

Via Huffingtonpost

I'm an art director and illustrator based in Granada, Spain. I'm also web developer and blogger. After studying Chemistry at the University I realized that the only thing I liked in the laboratory were colored solutions placed on the selves. So I decided to start studying Art, then Graphic Design and finally Advertising and PR. I'm addicted to any kind of art and creativity. I love photography, music, reading, writing, travelling… and have a passion for languages.

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