Broken Flowers

A white carpet to frame splinters of flowers like orchids, tulips and lilies, comparable to an amazing porcelain mosaic. “I like to turn the idea of traditional flower still lifes on its head sometimes”. The american photographer Jon Shireman did it by dipping the flowers in a liquid nitrogen bath, immortalizing that moment of the destruction and increasing the beauty.

Un tappeto bianco per incorniciare schegge di petali di orchidee, tulipani e gigli paragonabili ad un prezioso mosaico di porcellana. Il fotografo americano Jon Shireman ha ottenuto questo splendido risultato immergendo i fiori nell’azoto liquido ed immortalando l’attimo della loro distruzione.

Jon Shireman’s portfolio

Francesca travels the world capturing life at the moment, preserving that time forever. She moved to Bristol in 2010, where she studied and learnt the basics but it wasn't till a year later where her main education took place. It was in the street of Bristol and it's vibrant art scene. She quickly became part of this country which led her to learn more about photography and much more.

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