Aakash Nihalani

by | 11/08/2009 | Creatività

Nulla può descrivere meglio l’arte di Aakash Nihalani se non le sue stesse parole: “My work is created in a reaction to what we readily encounter in our lives, sidewalks and doorways, building and bricks. I’m just connecting the dots differently to make my own picture. Others need to see that they can create too, connecting their own dots, in their own places.” Altre immagini all’interno del post.

Nothing can better describe the art of Aakash Nihalani than his own words: “My work is created in a reaction to what we readily encounter in our lives, sidewalks and doorways, building and bricks. I’m just connecting the dots differently to make my own picture. Others need to see that they can create too, connecting their own dots, in their own places.” More images along the post.

Nothing can better describe the art of Aakash Nihalani than his own words: “My work is created in a reaction to what we readily encounter in our lives, sidewalks and doorways, building and bricks. I’m just connecting the dots differently to make my own picture. Others need to see that they can create too, connecting their own dots, in their own places.” More images along the pos


Designer e art director, è fondatore e direttore di Picame dal 2008 e co-fondatore di fargostudio.com, agenzia specializzata in design e comunicazione.

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