Sugar Sculptures

da | 29/11/2013 | Arte, Creatività

Joseph Marr is an Australian artist based in Germany who creates his artworks from crystallized sugar. The unusual choice of medium comes from the necessity to show “how we are trapped in the sticky situation and how attractive the tasty desire really is“. In other words, his rope-tied sugar bodies symbolize the irresistible sex bonds in which people often are involved. Definitely impacting!

Joseph Marr è un artista australiano trapiantato in Germania che crea le proprie opere con lo zucchero cristallizzato. L’insolita scelta è dovuta alla necessità di mostrare “come la gente resti intrappolata in certi rapporti e quanto il gusto per il desiderio sia capace di esercitare un’attrazione travolgente“. In altre parole, i suoi corpi legati fatti di zucchero rappresentano gli irresistibili legami sessuali in cui spesso le persone rimangono invischiate. Decisamente d’impatto!

Joseph Marr

Freelance graphic designer, illustrator, painter and decorator with an insane passion for art and design. She started drawing at the age of 2, inspired by Disney comics and cartoons, and never stopped since then. She also loves summer, poetry, orchids, weird jewelry, foreign languages. colourful make up, fashion magazines, art books, astronomy, electronic music and everything connected with the '80s. Her collection of books and food-shaped stuff is constantly expanding.

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